Thursday, July 30, 2009

Add Your Voice To Farm Sanctuary's Petition

Nothing natural about these living conditions.


Our friends at Farm Sanctuary need our help in gathering 10,000 signatures for their "Truth Behind Labels" petition to the USDA to tell them their "naturally raised" label is deceptive to consumers, with actual conditions being far from natural. Considering 10 billion farm animals are slaughtered in the U.S. each year, 10,000 voices should not be too much to ask for.

Well-intentioned consumers who do chose to eat a meat-based diet are purchasing products with the "naturally raised" label, believing these animals are given the most basic considerations they deserve in return for giving their lives for people's food supply: sunshine, fresh air, the freedom to move freely and perform natural behaviors.

But this is far from the reality, as we know. U.S. consumers have faith in the food supply, but are not only being misled by big agribusiness, but by their very own government, which is sanctioning such egregious conditions.

Please take a moment to sign their petition here, and forward to as many people as possible. Learn more about the campaign.

Flashback to my visit to Farm Sanctuary's Watkins Glen, NY, shelter, including humane and delicious eats around town. This is how life should be for these animals.

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